Pseudagrion newtoni Harlequin Sprite MaleRareA new habitat was recently discovered in the Graskop area of Mpumalanga Province South Africa
Chlorolestes_elegans_Elegant_MalachiteMaleRareFound at only 2 known areas in South Africa
Chlorolestes fasciatus, MountainMalachite. MaleWidespread in South Africa Found hanging on grass and twigs near steams and pond
Pseudagrion massaicum, Masai Sprite Enjoy this article Recently updated
Aethriamanta rezia, Pygmy BaskerNot Often Seen
Diplacodes pumila, Dwarf Percher FemaleRecently rediscovered in South Africa and presently found in only 6 location. Prefers small dams with well grassed muddy bottom
Lestinogomphus angustus Spined Fairytail Male One of the smallest species in the family known as Clubtails. So-called due to the bulbous end of the abdomen
Nesciothemis farinosa Eastern Blacktail Old MalePowerful flyer patrolling up and down the waters' edge fighting for dominance of the area
Microgomphus nyassicus, Eastern Scissortail MalePhotographed by dragonfly photographer Antoinette Snyman or the first time in southern Africa May 201
Zygonyx torridus Ringed Cascader MaleHunts over rapid flowing streams close to cascad
Syncordulia venator, Mahogany Presba. Rare. Endemic to the Western Cape Region of South Africa
Phyllogomphus selysi. Bold Leaftail. MaleMale Seldom seen in South Africa. Note: Peculiar shaped clasper
Orthetrum abbotti Little Skimmer Male
Azuragrion nigridorsum, Sailing Blue
Orthetrum caffrum, Two-stripped Skimmer
Africallagma glaucum, Swamp Bluet. Male