Powder-faced Sprite, Pseudagrion kersteni, Poeiergesiggie. A Group

100 252 Pseudagrio Kersteni Powder faced Sprite Male Tzaneen LP RSA Mch 2016r 1

100 851 Pseudagrion Kersteni Powder faced Sprite Male Swadini LP RSA May 2021r 2

100 855 Pseudagrion kersteni Powder faced Sprite Female Ezemvelo GP RSA Oct 2019r 2

Short Description:

Powder-faced Sprite, Pseudagrion kersteni, Poeiergesiggie, A Group. Small, with white pruinescent forehead. Black labrum. Eyes blackish above and light green below. Large bright blue postocular spots that are not linked with a line. Synthorax is heavily pruinescent with whitish blue stripes. The black humeral stripe on the thorax is narrow.

Family Coenagrionidae Kirby, 1890

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Key identification features:


  • Face blueish white pruinosed with black labrum. Head above is black with small bright blue postocular spots that are not linked with a line.
  • Green eye with blackish grey cap.
  • Thorax is distinctly striped. Black dorsal stripes on thorax with blue antihumeral stripe and a humeral (lateral) black stripe on either side of thorax. The stripes are same width. Heavily light powdery blue pruinescent. Upper legs pruinosed grey.
  • Clear wings. Pterostigmas dark brown becoming black with age .
  • Abdomen segment 1 and 2 have a greenish side patch becoming pruinescent whitish with age. S4 – 7 are bronze black becoming heavily pruinescent. S8-10 pruinescent whitish blue. Superior appendages has no distinct hook in side view.


  • Brightly coloured like the male.
  • Polychromatic ranging a brown form, blue form and green form.
  • Can be buff, or bright bluish green or orange to rufous brown with dark humeral stripes.
  • Widespread throughout much of RSA.From Western Cape and across the eastern parts of Northern South Africa.
  • Frequents long grasses and reeds of sedge-lined streams and small rivers.
  • Perch on reed blades or grass stems beside the water. The females stay away from the water in the tall grass.
Compared with other species:
Related species
Pseudagrion kersteni Powder faced Sprite Distribution Map July 2020

Pseudagrion kersteni Distibution Map Africa July 2021







South Africa
  • Across South Africa except the dry western areas
  • Angola; Benin; Botswana; Burkina Faso; Cameroon; Central African Republic; Chad; Democratic Republic of the Congo; Equatorial Guinea; Eritrea; Ethiopia; Ghana; Kenya; Liberia; Malawi; Mali; Mozambique; Namibia; Nigeria; Republic of South Africa; Rwanda; Sierra Leone; Somalia; Sudan; Swaziland; Tanzania; Togo; Uganda; Zambia; Zimbabwe;
Further reading:
