Family Libellulidae (Leach, 1815)
- Ranges from Africa through southern Eurasia to Australia and the Pacific.
- 10 species with one Asian, 1 in Madagascar, 4 Eurasian species and 4 in Africa
Africa and southern Africa
- 4 species
2 species being the larger are widespread in open marches (D. luminans and D. lefebvrii)
2 being the smaller are localised. D.pumila prefers smaller, more elevated marches from southern DRC and Uganda to South Africa. D. demunata is widespread but only common in the Okavango Delta. (previously known as D. okavangoensis)
General information:
- Diplacodes (Perchers) species have 6½ - 7½ Ax veins in fore wing.
- Diplacodes species have distinctive abdomen pattern (like a hand with a pointing fore finger).
- D. lefebvrii (Black Percher) and D. pumila (Dwarf Percher), are similar. Becomes difficult to identify when the males age and blacken completely, obscuring diagnostic markings.
- D. lefebvrii and D. pumila must preferably be measured (length and hindwing) for the most accurate identification but younger specimens may be identified with reasonable acuracy.
- D. lefebvrii and D. pumila young males and females are almost similar.
- D. pumila and Palpopleura jucunda (Yellow-veined Widow) are the smallest Anisoptera (Dragonfly) in our region.
- D. deminuta (Little Percher) is very widespread in Africa (not in South Africa). Only really common in the Okavango Delta, Botswana.
- Images below of males only
- D. demunuta is not represented on this website but will appear as soon as images comes available.
- Click on all images to link to the main species description
Images of the the three South African Species.