Flapper Hooktail, Paragomphus sabicus, Flaphakiestert

102 533 2016 12 20 flapper 2
 KZN RSA Dec 2017r 3
100 1783  Female Ndumu Mch 2017r 10

Short description:

Flapper Hooktail, Paragomphus sabicus, Flaphakiestert is fairly large to large, black and yellow with a slight greenish hue, a large dark club and distinctive long slenderly tapered cerci.

Family Gomphidae Rambur, 1842

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Key identification features:


  • Face mostly bright, light yellow. Top of nose and head is black with a yellow bar between the eyes. Occiput is yellow. Labrum is yellow with black base.100 1912 Paragomphus sabicus Flapper Hooktail Male Close up Ndumo KZN RSA Mch 2018r 19 100 1908 Paragomphus sabicus Flapper Hooktail Male Close up Ndumo KZN RSA Mch 2018r 2
  • Eyes green above, Dark bluish grey below 100 1912 Paragomphus sabicus Flapper Hooktail Male Close up Ndumo KZN RSA Mch 2018r 19 
  • Thorax is black with 3 broad pale stripes and between them 2 series of spots (Diagnostic).100 1908 Paragomphus sabicus Flapper Hooktail Male Close up Ndumo KZN RSA Mch 2018r 2  100 1910 Paragomphus sabicus Flapper Hooktail Male Close up Ndumo KZN RSA Mch 2018r 8 100 1911 Paragomphus sabicus Flapper Hooktail Male Close up Ndumo KZN RSA Mch 2018r 13
  • Abdomen slender with sharply defined black and yellow alternate, ring-like markings. End of segment 7 and parts of segments 8 and 9 deep reddish brown 100 1914 Paragomphus sabicus Flapper Hooktail Male Close up Ndumo KZN RSA Mch 2018r 22 . Appendages gently curved. Cerci slenderly tapered throughout, 100 1917 Paragomphus sabicus Flapper Hooktail Male Close up Ndumo KZN RSA Mch 2018r 30 at least 1.5x as long as S10, 100 1918 Paragomphus sabicus Flapper Hooktail Male Close up Ndumo KZN RSA Mch 2018r 32  apices of cerci diverge, are slender, tapered, and finely pointed; (d) epiproct laterally rounded, longer and, almost as long as S10 or longer, not so strongly curved upwards; epiproct reaches about midpoint of cerci, without distinct median knobs 100 1919 Paragomphus sabicus Flapper Hooktail Male Close up Ndumo KZN RSA Mch 2018r 36 100 1916 Paragomphus sabicus Flapper Hooktail Male Close up Ndumo KZN RSA Mch 2018r 28  (lateral view) 


  • Female are similar to male
  • Foliations smaller
  • Black patterning on the side of the thorax and the abdomen is diagnostic
  • Prefers mostly rivers, but also streams, often with a sandy bottom and probably rocks, shaded by gallery forest, but sometimes found in open landscapes. Often waters with a sandy bottom and probably rocks. Found from 0 to 1200 m above sea level.
  • From 0 to 1200 m above sea level.
  • Perches on bushes or twigs (sometimes high of the ground) in savanna, often away from water.
Comparison Chart
Compared with other species:
  • Similar to Icterogomphus ferox (Common Tigertail)100 1027 Ictinogomphus ferox Common Tigertail Male Close up Nwanedi LP RSA Dec 2018r 5 Paragomphus magnus (Great Hooktail)100 1784 Paragomphus magnus Great Hooktail Male Ndumu Mch 2017r 1 and Flapper Hooktail, Paragomphus sabicus. 100 1907 Paragomphus sabicus Flapper Hooktail Male Close up Ndumo KZN RSA Mch 2018r 1
  • The major differences are in the claspers with Lined Claspertail, Onychogomphus supinus  100 1765 Onychogomphus supinus Lined Claspertail Male Melkrivier LP RSA Dec 2017r 4  having inferior appendages that are very fine, upwardly curved with two fine prongs when viewed from side 102 566 Lined claspertail r 2 102 567 Lined claspertail r 3. Common Tigertail, Ictinogomphus. ferox inferior appendages curves upwards to touch the superior appendages. 100 1202 Ictinogomphus ferox Common Tigertail Male Close up Nwanedi LP RSA Dec 2018r 23 Great Hooktail, Paragomphus magnus  100 1784 Paragomphus magnus Great Hooktail Male Ndumu Mch 2017r 1  has very large superior appendages with the tips curving back to almost face S10. 107 521 Great Hooktail 1 4  and no foliations. 
  • The abdominal stripes, dorsal thorax and the markings on the side of the thorax are diagnostic in the mentioned species.
  • P. magnus has no foliage’s, 100 1805 Paragomphus magnus Great Hooktail Male Ndumu Mch 2017r 2 I ferox has large dark foliations on s 8. 100 1202 Ictinogomphus ferox Common Tigertail Male Close up Nwanedi LP RSA Dec 2018r 23 P. sabicus has large foliations on s 8 with smaller on s 9.100 1916 Paragomphus sabicus Flapper Hooktail Male Close up Ndumo KZN RSA Mch 2018r 28
  • P. sabicus has 3 spots between the 2 broad stripes on the thorax.   Humeral stripes are broken into a dot and a stripe. P. sabicus has superior appendages that are long, slender and gently curved down and outwards, yellow with brown tips.
  • Abdominal stripes, dorsal thorax and the markings on the side of the thorax are diagnostic in the mentioned species.
Identification guide

Click HERE for an identification guide for Clubtails based on images of the thorax and eyes

Images of southern African Clubtails
Distribution Map July 2020Distribution Map
South Afric
Physical Map South Africa Physical Map,
South Africa
Political Map South Africa Political Map
South Africa
Paragomphus sabicus Flapper Hooktail Africa Distribution Map July 2021Distribution Map
Physical Map AfricaPhysical Map
Political Map AfricaPolitical Map

South Africa:

  • Warm north eastern low areas of KZN, Mp and LP.


  •  Botswana; Kenya; Malawi; Mozambique; Namibia; Republic of South Africa; Swaziland; Tanzania; Zambia; Zimbabwe
Further reading:
