Yellowjack Longlegs, Notogomphus praetorius, Klaverboer

118 520 Yellowjack Notogomphus praetorius male Iphiti 22 Dec 07 1Male
100 3068 Notogomphus praetorius Yellowjack Male Kamberg KZN RSA Feb 2020r 1Male
121 502 SM7 0274 Notogomphus_praetoriusFemale

Short description:

Yellowjack Longlegs, Notogomphus praetorius, Klawerboer is fairly large, but without a club, with long, mid-dorsal bright yellows tripe running length of abdomen. The Notogomphus family is also known as Longlegs.

Family Gomphidae     Rambur, 1842

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Key identification features:


  • Face pale greenish yellow. Nose pronounced and is raised. Head is shiny black with two fine yellow crossbars from above.100 3057 Notogomphus praetorius Yellowjack Male Close up Houtbosdorp LP RSA Jan 2020r 19100 3059 Male Close up Houtbosdorp LP RSA Jan 2020r 27
  • Eyes are bluish grey. Neck is black with yellow spots.100 3059 Male Close up Houtbosdorp LP RSA Jan 2020r 27100 3058 Notogomphus praetorius Yellowjack Male Close up Houtbosdorp LP RSA Jan 2020r 26100 3057  Male Close up Houtbosdorp LP RSA Jan 2020r 19
  • Thorax boldly and brightly striped in bright yellow and black.  100 3053  Close up Houtbosdorp LP RSA Jan 2020r 6100 3054 Houtbosdorp LP RSA Jan 2020r 9100 3056  Close up Houtbosdorp LP RSA Jan 2020r 18
  • Wings are slightly smoky, especially at tips. Costa is bright yellow, darkening with age. 100 3065  Houtbosdorp LP RSA Jan 2020r 46  Pterostigmas are long (4 mm), 100 3067 Notogomphus praetorius Yellowjack Male Close up Houtbosdorp LP RSA Jan 2020r 50dark brown between black veins. 100 3066  Houtbosdorp LP RSA Jan 2020r 47
  • Distinguishing feature is the femora (upper leg) of hind legs that is very long, almost reaching segment 3.100 3052  Close up Houtbosdorp LP RSA Jan 2020r 2
  • Abdomen with bright yellow line running its length along the top, yellow line bordered by equally wide black lines running length of abdomen.100 3062  Houtbosdorp LP RSA Jan 2020r 34100 3062  Close up Houtbosdorp LP RSA Jan 2020r 34 The Only Clubtails (gomphidae) that has a striped abdomen
  • Foliations are very small and only on s 9  100 3064  Houtbosdorp LP RSA Jan 2020r 44
  • Superior appendages of medium length, yellowish in first half, then black, terminating in distinct spines.  100 3063  Close up Houtbosdorp LP RSA Jan 2020r 35 100 3064  Houtbosdorp LP RSA Jan 2020r 44These appendages are pointing sharply outwards and are a distinguishing feature. Inferior appendages are fairly long, brown and black, with blunt point. 100 3063  Close up Houtbosdorp LP RSA Jan 2020r 35100 3064  Houtbosdorp LP RSA Jan 2020r 44


  • Similar in colour, but stouter.
  • Lack markings on abdomen but more pronounced
  • Recent records confirm presence in eastern GP. Frequents verges of open, clear, fast flowing high elevation (usually above 1000m a.s.l.) streams, with tall grass or on boulders beside or in clear areas next to the streams.
  • Very occasionally near high-elevation dams.
  • Unlike most other Gomphids, this species is a weak flier, easily disturbed from bank side grassland, where it soon lands again. Also, sits on warm stones in small streams.
  • Mostly a late-season species but has been seen in Gauteng in mid October..
Compared with other species:
  • With Paragomphus cognatus, Rock Hooktail, 100 604 Male Ezemvelo Jan 2016 r 1 of 1 the only two Gomphids found  commonly at high elevation montane streams.
  • Notogomphus praetorius is very brightly black and yellow striped, with distinctly yellow leading veins in all four wings.
  • From above, this species is unmistakable by its longitudinally striped abdomen (unlike most Gomphids, which have ringed abdomen). There is a central longitudinal bright yellow line, bordered by similar black lines. Another distinguishing feature is its long femora on hind legs, which reach the secondary genitalia.
  • Appendages are also distinctive.
Identification guide

Click HERE for an identification guide for Clubtails based on images of the thorax  and

Images of southern African Clubtails
Notogomphus praetorius Yellowjack Distribution Map May 2020Distribution Map
South Africa

Political Map South Africa Political Map
South Africa

Topographical Map South Africa Topographical Map
South Africa

Notogomphus praetorius Yellowjack Longleg Africa Distribution Map Aug 2021Distribution Map
Political Map AfricaPolitical Map
Topographical Map AfricaTopographical Map

 South Africa:

  • Montane species that is common in higher elevation areas of KZN, also ECP, MP, LP, Lesotho.


  •  Angola; Democratic Republic of the Congo; Malawi; Republic of South Africa; Zambia; Zimbabwe
Further reading:

Websites of interest:


Citation: Dijkstra, K.-D.B (editor). African Dragonflies and Damselflies Online. [2023-07-18].