Family Libellulidae Leach, 1815 Perchers and Skimmers
Worldwide distribution
- Eight species across Africa Europa and Australia
- Five species on continental Africa and one endemic to Madagascar
- There is 1 genus (Crocothemis) with 2 regularly seen species, one rarely seen and one possible species in the southern African region.
General appearance:
- African species are medium-sized (hindwing 23-33 mm), have limited black markings (notably absent on legs), and mature males are often largely red.
- May spend long periods away from water, being re-productively inactive, and are then duller, e.g. orange, brown or greyish
- C. erythraea (Broad Scarlet) is Africa’s most widespread Odonata, found at any open habitat and is rapidly expanding in Europe.
- Crocothemis (Scarlets) species have limited black markings (notably absent on legs). Mature males are often largely red.
- When re-productively inactive they may spend long periods away from water and become duller, e.g. orange, brown or greyish.
Species identification information:
- C. erythraea perches mainly on vegetation.
- C. sanguinolenta (Little Scarlet) likes to perch flat on vertical surfaces such as rocks, walls and exposed buttresses.
- C. sanguinolenta favours running water over standing water.
- C. sanguinolenta has small black dashes on the lateral sides of the abdomen. Pterostigmas generally coloured similarly to abdomen, i.e. red with maturity.
- C. divisa (Rock Scarlet) and C. saxicolor (Granite Scarlet). Limited records of C. divisa in South Africa.. C. saxicolor being found in the northern region of South Africa is possible.
- Males only are shown To View Females follow the link to the description pages
- A click on the species name will link to the main species description article and image gallery.