Zambezi Siphontail, Neurogomphus zambeziensis, Zambezihewelstert

107 621 DRC Zambezi Siphontail Male11
100 2257Female Ndumo KZN RSA Mch 2018r 10Female.
100 738 Ndumo KZN RSA Mch 2018r 2Female
Short description:

Zambezi Siphontail, Neurogomphus zambeziensis Zambezihewelstert is fairly large sized, green and dark brown striped, with slightly smoky wings, wide but short pterostigmas, distinctly clubbed abdominal tip with foliations on segment 8.

Family Gomphidae     (Rambur, 1842)
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Key identification features:


  • Face is brownish below, greenish above. Head above black, but occiput mostly green.
  • Eyes light bluish turquoise, slightly speckled, lending to light brown behind and below
  • Thorax yellowish green (stripes) with narrow black stripe. Distinctly marked dorsal thorax pattern with rear facing "U" shape with triangular antihumeral stripes. Well defined yellow markings between wing roots May darken from brownish to darkish black with age May also darken in some warm areas
  • Wings slightly smoky. Pterostigmas short (3 mm), wide, dark brown. 11-17 Ax in fore wing.
  • Abdomen mostly dark brown with narrow yellow rings with arrow marked extensions pointing towards the hind margin. S4-6 usually with broad pale basal rings and/or pale dorsal stripes (s 7 may be without ring marking) widest on segment 8. Broad Yellow band on S8 Diagnostic.Segment 8 with small foliations with finely toothed margins. Segment 9 also with narrow foliations. S 10 constricted in first half, wider in second half. S10 slightly shorter than S9. S 1 and 2 spearhead mark dorsally.
  • Hamules of secondary genitalia long and spike-like, pointing down and forwards.


  • Similar to male 100 2266 Neurogomphus zambeziensi Zambezi Siphontail Female Close up Ndumu Mch 2018r 2
  • Face is brownish below, greenish above. Head above black, but occiput mostly green. 100 2270 Neurogomphus zambeziensi Zambezi Siphontail Female Close up Ndumu Mch 2018r 30
  • Eyes light bluish turquoise, slightly speckled, lending to light brown behind and below  100 2270 Neurogomphus zambeziensi Zambezi Siphontail Female Close up Ndumu Mch 2018r 30
  • Thorax yellowish green (stripes) with narrow black stripe. Distinctly marked dorsal thorax pattern with rear facing "U" shape with triangular antihumeral stripes. Well defined yellow markings between wing roots 100 2267 Neurogomphus zambeziensi Zambezi Siphontail Female Close up Ndumu Mch 2018r 5 100 2268 Neurogomphus zambeziensi Zambezi Siphontail Female Close up Ndumu Mch 2018r 18 100 2269 Neurogomphus zambeziensi Zambezi Siphontail Female Close up Ndumu Mch 2018r 22 
  • Wings slightly smoky. Pterostigmas short (3 mm), wide, dark brown. 
  • Abdomen mostly dark brown with narrow yellow rings with arrow marked extensions pointing towards the hind margin, (S 7 may be without ring marking) widest on segment 8. Segment 8 with small foliations with finely toothed margins. Segment 9 also with foliations. S 10 constricted in first half, wider in second half. S 1 and 2 spearhead mark dorsally.100 2271 Neurogomphus zambeziensi Zambezi Siphontail Female Close up Ndumu Mch 2018r 8 100 2272 Neurogomphus zambeziensi Zambezi Siphontail Female Close up Ndumu Mch 2018r 36
  • Prefers rivers, and possibly flowing channels in marshes, shaded by gallery forest, but possibly also in open landscapes. Probably often with a soft (like muddy) bottom.
  • From 0 to 1000 m above sea level.
  • Solitary species. It hangs from tall grass and low bushes, often many metres away from meandering rivers. It has a low, weak, fluttering flight, frequently settling to hang from vegetation.
Compared with other species:
  • Easily recognised by the yellow band on s 8 and club with small foliations on s 8.  100 2272 Neurogomphus zambeziensi Zambezi Siphontail Female Close up Ndumu Mch 2018r 36 The only Gomphid with a yellow band on segment 8 (diagnostic) 100 2271 Neurogomphus zambeziensi Zambezi Siphontail Female Close up Ndumu Mch 2018r 8 

Distribution Map May 2020Distribution Map
South Africa

Political Map South Africa Political Map
South Africa

Topographical Map South Africa Topographical Map
South Africa

Neurogomphus zambeziensis Zambezi Siphontail Distribution Map AfricaDistribution Map

Political Map AfricaPolitical Map

Topographical Map AfricaTopographical Map

South Africa:

  • Highly localised Seldom seen. Recorded in Northern KZN, Lowveld MP and eastern LP. 


  •  Botswana; Mozambique; Namibia; Republic of South Africa; Tanzania; Zambia; Zimbabwe
Further reading
