Family Aeshnidae (Leach, 1815)
Distribution Worldwide
- More than 30 species .
- 10 species in Africa with about 5 seen in southern Africa. Distributed widely all over the continent.
General identification features
- Large (hindwing 43-65 mm) and powerful, Anax. tristis is among the world’s biggest dragonflies.
- Males of all species are conspicuously coloured, with unmarked thorax (often deep green) and often bright blue, red or black (boldly spotted) abdomen.
Habitat and behaviour
- Patrol endlessly over sunny water
- May be seen hunting termites at dusk
- Often found lurking in vegetation far away from water during the dry season
- Breeds in open standing waters rich in vegetation (ponds and marches).
- Several species (A, ephippiger, Vagrant Emperor and A,tristis, Black Emperor) prefers seasonal pools ad is thus migratory
- Some species prefers running water with males patrolling low over the water. Some species prefer open streams and rivers with some preferring forested waters.
- Only images of males are shown
- To view images of females follow the menu links to the main description page
- Click on all images to enlarge er open description page
A selection of images: