Mauve Bluet, Proischnura polychromatica, Persbloutjie.   Endemic to South Africa

Proischnura polychromatica Mauve Bluet Male dark
Proischnura polychromatica Mauve Bluet Female light colour
117 033 Proischnura polychromatica Mauve Bluet
Short description:

Mauve Bluet, Proischnura polychromatica, Persbloutjie is very small, darkish, deep bronze green and bluish mauve, with blue or violet abdominal tip.

Family Coenagrionidae Kirby, 1890


108 024 Prioschnura polychromatica Mauve Bluet Male Theewaterskloof Western Cape 29 10 2016Image  Gallery










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Key identification features:


  • Face mauve and black. Labrum is mauve with three black dots. Postclypeus is mauve with black basal band. Frons is mauve. Head dark bronze green from above, bluish mauve wedge-shaped postocular spots connected by fine mauve line.
  • Eyes are dark grey above, light grey below.
  • Neck is dark bronze green with mauve dots.
  • Thorax is dark bronze green almost blackish with broad mauve bluish mauve or purple stripes above. The sides mauve to purple merging into buff below.
  • Wings clear with fairly rounded tips. Pterostigmas are dark brown.
  • Abdomen is light brown with bronze green blackish stripe along top of segments 1 to 7. Segments 8 and 9 each have shield-shaped blue markings that become purple with age. Segment 10 bronze green.


  • Female has similar patterning as male, but the mauve is replaced by light brown, only segment 9 with small dark blue oval spot.
  • Prefers Standing and temporary waters, but also streams, in open landscapes. Especially pools in streams that slow or stop flowing in summer, usually with emergent and often aquatic vegetation. Inferred to occur. 
  • From 300 to 800 m above sea level, but possibly up to 1400.
  • Perch among the grass stems and is usually only seen when disturbed.
Compared with other species:
  • The Mauve Bluet is unmistakable due to the move colour. Female has a distinct pattern on S7-10
Distribution Map July 2020 Map










South Africa:

  • Endemic to the WCP and ECP of South Africa.  Endemic to South Africa
  • Extremely rare and threatened with records from above Ceres, Seweweekspoort, and Franschhoek Pass in the WCP of South Africa. Recently found in the Knysna area ECP 
Further reading:
