Highland Dropwing, Trithemis dorsalis, Hooglandvalvlerkie.
Short description:
Highland Dropwing, Trithemis dorsalis, Hooglandvalvlerkie is medium sized and deep blue.
Family Libellulidae Leach, 1815
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Explain complete and incomplete Ax veins
- Guide to Dropwings - General (Trithemis)
- By colour Blue - Blue
- By Colour - Red, Orange, Yellow, Violet
- Face is light yellow brown, dark brown and black.
- Eyes are dark purple brown, lighter below.
- Thorax and abdomen deep blue.
- Wings clear, small basal amber patch present on hindwing. Ax veins creamy to yellow. Last Ax vein crosses the subcostal vein to join the radial vein (called Ax vein complete.) 10-12½ Ax in Fw [8½-14½]
- Pterostigmas brownish black, often with whitish outer veins borders
- Yellowish with black markings.
- Face Yellow Eyes Dark purplish brown at top blueish grey below
- Thorax has two pairs of diagonal black zigzag lines on either side. Dorsal thorax with 2 dark brown to black almost isosceles triangle (diagnostic) either side of the dorsal white marked carina pointing rearwards.
- Wings have small smoky patches near bases and at nodus.Pterostigmas are yellowish brown, becoming dark brown with age with white stipe on the inner and outer side.
- Abdomen has broad black band on dorsal abdomen with reasonably wide black band running along the top.
- Standing waters, rivers and streams in open landscapes. Often with emergent vegetation and a soft (like muddy) bottom.
- From 0 to 2400 m above sea level, but mostly between 1000 and 2100.
- Mostly streams, but also rivers, in open landscapes and open areas in forest.
- Often with emergent vegetation and rocks. From 0 to 2500 m above sea level, but mostly below 2000.
Compared with other species:
- Almost impossible distinguish the male Highland Dropwing from the male Navy Dropwing in the field.
- Presence of small white stripe on the outer sides of the pterostigma would suggest the Highland Dropwing,
- Presence of a white patch in the form of a Nike logo in the pterostigma would suggest the Navy Dropwing.
- Further corroborating habits include its high elevation territory (co-habitats in the mid altitudes) and still water habitat. Tendency to perch on grasses.
- The only definitive identification characteristic is the shape of the hamule hook, which is rounded in the Highland Dropwing, but claw-shaped in the Navy Dropwing.
Learn More about other Dropwings, (Trithemis) Species
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South Africa:
- Most of South Africa, but with little known presence in the dry central and western interior.
- Angola; Burundi; Democratic Republic of the Congo; Kenya; Mozambique; Republic of South Africa; Swaziland; Tanzania; Uganda; Zambia; Zimbabwe
Further reading:
Odonata Atlas of Africa VMU Number 668870
A Visual Guide to the Damselflies and Dragonflies of South Africa
The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species
African Dragonflies & Damselflies Online