Corkscrew Hooktail, Paragomphus elpidius, Slingerhakiestert

Paragomphus elpidius Corkscrew Hooktail New

109 505 Corcksrew 5

100 1089 Paragomphus elipidius Corckscrew Hooktail Fermale Ndumu Mch 2017r 5

Short description:

Corkscrew Hooktail, Paragomphus elpidius, Slingerhakiestert is medium sized, greenish, yellowish and brown, with a reddish brown to dark brown club.

Family Gomphidae        (Rambur, 1842)

 More images:

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Key identification features:


  • Eyes are pale greyish blue. Labrum is pale yellow, at most vaguely darkened at base with indistinct brownish basal band.100 3671 Paragomphus elpidius Corckscrew Hooktail Male Close up 2 Verena MP RSA Jan 2023r 28100 3669 Paragomphus elpidius Corckscrew Hooktail Male Close up 2 Verena MP RSA Jan 2023r 19100 3670 Paragomphus elpidius Corckscrew Hooktail Male Close up 2 Verena MP RSA Jan 2023r 20
  • Thorax is yellow to green 100 3666 Paragomphus elpidius Corckscrew Hooktail Male Close up 2 Verena MP RSA Jan 2023r 5with more prominent brown to black markings that on the metastigma ends just dorsal of it, The brown stripe forms a narrow "V"  Dorsal thorax marking bright and well defined.
  • Pterostigmas are brown, not contrasting with black veins100 3664 Paragomphus elpidius Corckscrew Hooktail Male Close up Verena MP RSA Jan 2023r 39
  • Abdomen is black with yellow partial rings.100 3659 Paragomphus elpidius Corckscrew Hooktail Male Close up Verena MP RSA Jan 2023r 28100 3662 Paragomphus elpidius Corckscrew Hooktail Male Close up Verena MP RSA Jan 2023r 35 S8-9 has broad foliations. S 9 = 10 in length.100 3660 Paragomphus elpidius Corckscrew Hooktail Male Close up Verena MP RSA Jan 2023r 29100 3661 Paragomphus elpidius Corckscrew Hooktail Male Close up Verena MP RSA Jan 2023r 31 Segment 10 with cream coloured triangle, segment 8 with thin cream coloured line  (becoming more clear with age). Upper claspers (cerci) slender, apex is blunt with black tip, without or with one tooth. Without distinct ventral ridge; Lower clasper (epiproct) about 1/3 (or less) as long as upper clasper (cerci). 


  • Female similar, slightly smoky wings, thicker abdomen, very narrow foliations (almost invisible) , markings are less distinctive.
  • Pterostigmas black without a clear central zone.
  • S2 has a "sickle" shaped marking pointing towards the thorax . Diagnostic Distinct Triangular shaped markings on S 9 -10. Leave like yellow/brown markings on lower part of lateral s 9-10
  • Found mostly at rivers, but also streams, shaded by gallery forest, but sometimes in open landscapes. Often with rocks and streams with a sandy gravel open areas, near faster sections. Females oviposit in shallow sandy patches between rocks
  • From 0 to 1400 m above sea level, but mostly between 200 and 1100.
  • Alert as it perches conspicuously on a stick on reed at a pool or river margin, often darting out to defend its territory.
  • Frequently seen on hot days with its abdomen in the upright obelisk position and its wings forward
 Comparison Chart
 Compared with other species:
Comparison table between Common Hooktail, Corkscrew Hooktail and Rock Hooktail

Paragomphus elpidius Corckscrew Hooktail Male Close up  1Males

100 3640 Paragomphus elpidius Corckscrew Hooktail Famale Close up Verena MP RSA Jan 2023r 1Females





 Related Species - Hooktails(Southern Africa)

Paragomphus elpidius Corkscrew Hooktail Distribution Map July 2020Distribution Map
South Africa

Physical Map South Africa Physical Map South Africa

Political Map South Africa Political Map
South Africa

Paragomphus elpidius Corkscre Hooktail Africa Distribution Map July 2021Distribution Map

Africa Physical MapPhysical Map

Political Map AfricaPolitical Map

 South Africa:

  • Found in KZN, MP, LP and GP (Recorded in the WCP 


  • Botswana; Democratic Republic of the Congo; Kenya; Malawi; Namibia; Republic of South Africa; Tanzania; Uganda; Zambia; Zimbabwe; 
Further reading:
