
Family Gomphidae      Rambur, 1842

General description:
  • Closely related to the Hooktails Genus Paragomphus
  • Medium-sized (hindwing 24-31 mm) pale species
  • This genus can be divided into 2 groups each with 3 species 
    • One group with foliations on abdominal segments 8-9
      Southern African species C hartmanni, .(Clubbed Talontail),  and the Ethiopian endemics C. abyssinicus (Ethiopian Talontail) and C. denticulatus (Little Talontail)
    • One group with foliations 
      C cornutus (Horned Talontail), C. renei (Western Talontail) (found in central Africa) and C. kavangoensis (Kavango Talontail) (found on the northern borders of Namibia)
Habitat and behaviour
  • Prefer open habitats
    • Group with foliages 
      C. hartmanni occurs at streams and small rivers in savanna and woodland, where males are often seen perching on rocks
      the ecology of the Ethiopian endemics C. abyssinicus (Ethiopian Talontail) and C. denticulatus (Little Talontail) is unknown.
    • Group without foliages
      The three species without foliations appear to favour larger rivers and at least C. renei also breeds in large lakes: records, especially of males, are comparatively scarce of C. cornutus, although both sexes of C. kavangoensis can be numerous locally.
Identification guide
  • Only images of males are shown
  • To view images of female follow the menu links to the main description pages
  • Click on all images to enlarge.
  • Only images of the Clubed Talontail available 
Images of Genus Crenigomphus
  • Where available

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